Monday, August 6, 2012

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The same child, petulant, rogue, terrible? Anti-days! ... Li - ma the Pharaoh prepare the car, I now want to go to the factory this unfilial children who are not allowed to care for him, and not to let him out, as to in the room, let him go downtown! Son threatened to run away from home, Lei do not believe this son really has a capability to live outside, afraid of the event can be afraid of ten thousand, the son is too simple a case out giving abduction can how to do? Or his locked in the house a bit more secure.
Lanterns are hung up Wang Lei dragged his weary body back home, just the door Lei see Li - ma sitting on the couch weeping,cheap nba jerseys, and some of his servants standing next to frown moan and groan, Wang Lei, thought his son what had happened, anxiously wanted upstairs break.
Wang Lei to stop pulling the handrail he tried to go upstairs and looked at the Li - ma.
Li - ma wipe the Zhuolei picked up on the table an open seal letterhead handed Wang Lei. What to write? can look furious, a few of the letter torn to pieces. Several nutation standing on the side of the servants to listen to Ray Wang scolded his son is Wangbagaozi find it very funny, just now is not the time to laugh, who revealed a little pleased and kind, and the anger Masamori the classic non-own open not!
Very simple stationery to write is Wang Linbin ultimatum to his father, no wonder that the father would be angry, Wang Linbin threat in the letter, his father said what I have to test military academy, he is bent, his father promised him either ran away from home, I sent people to keep on the outside, they can not get out, then he began a hunger strike to protest, to say anything against the father to suppress the rights of their own to join the army action has been insisting that the father of compromise so far, during which he will also do not eat. Wang Lei How can I compromise? you really want to compromise his last night on the bow to throw in the towel,wholesale nba jerseys, but also need to wait until now? Lei now understand why the ancients would say that the golden rod, spoil the child, not a ready-made negative examples?
See Wang Lei hub up angrily flung open the door to beat Wanglin Bin Li - ma scared to quickly grab the Lei clothing or pleaded: classic never fight must not! Not how to fight? I should let him understand who is the master of the house! Ku Quan with.
Servant in the home, see Li - ma cry of grief, have also echoed to persuade Wang Lei:

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