Wednesday, August 22, 2012

white air max 95 Legitimate oakley was shocked when

Snow white a truly beautiful mountains at the foot of large tracts of cedar forests, from afar like a dark green carpet.
Standing piece of lawn is surrounded by dense forests, a radius of only five or six acres, obviously carefully trimmed.
Legitimate oakley this puzzled when the fairies around prodding his YaoYan. Oakley turned around and looked at the fairy companion.
Fairies and not watching him, she was looking at the sky upturned neck.
Along the fairy eyes, Oakley stunned to see the spectacle he had never seen before.
A few hundred meters in the air above his head, suspended a huge sphere, that sphere look somewhat like magnified many times over hazelnut, at least its shape and hazelnuts are very similar, like a giant birdcage.
That sphere is constituted by numerous metal frame, and divided into many layers.
Standing on the bottom, oakley really can not estimate, this huge sphere volume in the end how much, but he is absolutely certain that he never saw the students being such a huge man-made objects, its internal at least be able to hold dozens of fighting skills.
Legitimate oakley was shocked when, suddenly flew down from the top of the ball three people.
oakley vigilant, alert, and he turned around to see a companion beyond his unexpected Ma Kelu and goblins, but some disagree, although they both face showed disgust, but do not have the slightest flustered feeling.
The three men flying near, oakley this to see their face.
They are like a twelve-year-old girl about the same height, the face of innocence, but they are obviously not human.
Thin weak body, handsome to the incredible face, fair skin generally as snow,white air max 95, gold and exudes a light hair, crystal green eyes as gem, coupled with that sharp ears, all of which indicate that they are gods favorite creatures - elves.
oakley never seen the Wizard - these appear only in the inside of the book and fairy tale creatures.
For a description of the wizard, the book is very inconsistent, some book they described as full of the wisdom of the race, the gods will give them long life, so they have enough time to learn all kinds of knowledge, the knowledge possessed by an adult wizard, absolutely comparable to a library.
But some other book, puts them to describe into the more apparent the fool, the elves are vulnerable to deception, and as such, they do not like human contact, but have the same thing, that is,hyperize basketball shoes, each book will be the wizard described as the world on the most beautiful creatures.
Childhood oakley will be convinced, and now he was more determined this idea.
The goblin then retreated to the far side of the race, she belongs in the Age of Mythology, and the wizard is born the sworn enemy of each other without a trace of goodwill.

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