Tuesday, October 9, 2012

oakley 3d glasses F-11M 5250 km maximum range

off and landing operations the landing action is extremely accurate. Later, even the opponents of the Japanese military experts are extremely admired, but they also believe that to the only electric helicopters be possible to maintain such a high turnout.
Huo commander also watching the sea-air, this time stationed in the entire process of the of Sariwon bases empty 4th Division and the Naval Aviation base in Wonsan division responsible for fleet escort,oakley 3d glasses, during the voyage of the fleet is always 48 fighter escort fleet over . From the base of Sariwon high seas around the Korean Peninsula through the Cheju Strait in the south of the the North Korea Strait and then wonsan base full of less than 1500 km, F-11M 5250 km maximum range, or F-10M over 3000 km maximum range, you can enough cruising Time. The confrontation between the Japanese and Korean fighters flying with an attempt to close a tough impact my fleet, and to protect the card 31 early warning aircraft. Also along this route reconnaissance flight over a reconnaissance-F 8M at an altitude of 20,000 meters.
Interception operations in the United States, Japan, the attempt of creating disturbances, our military senior extremely vigilant, as the fleet commander Huo Lingbao, more vigilant. Intelligence support Japan's Reconnaissance satellite intelligence,oakley s, the Japanese Air Force and the U.S. Far East Air Force also mobilize. Obviously the United States, Japan attempted to create trouble in the Straits. Delicate moment is about to enter the Strait of risk, Huo

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